Anti Aging Tips

Medicover Hospitals
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Anti Ageing Tips

Add vitamin A to your routine:

Having topical retinoids part of your skincare arsenal is one of the best ways to turn back the clock. They can also provide a serious line of protection against wrinkles, although they can be annoying to some people with delicate skin. Using a retinol cream will be a simple at-home routine. It helps with fine lines, uneven skin tone, dark spots, and textured skin. Retinol is a type of vitamin A.

Stop Gaining Extra Weight

Don’t let those little indulgences turn into extra pounds; you may only find yourself looking older than you really are if you do. In some places, weight gain is often regarded as aging.

Avoid this Sugary Stuff

Sugar does more than just rot your teeth, it is also a significant contributor to the loss of skin firmness that can greatly age you. Focus on a healthy diet and avoid sugar with plenty of lean protein and vegetables,


Drinking a decent amount of water during the day will help to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful. While the amount of water you need depends on your size and level of operation, a good recommendation is to drink water during the day and never let yourself get thirsty. Not drinking enough will lead to increased wrinkles and lines appearing and produce more dry areas and dullness.

Eat right

The result of what you eat is most important of what reflects on the outside of your skin and body. It is important to eat foods that nourish the skin and adds benefits to our skin. Avoid something which, like alcohol, can dehydrate. And foods high in sugar and white carbohydrates will, by breaking down glucose, actually age you faster. Instead, to help develop solid collagen, opt for more protein in your diet, including foods like fish, lean meats, beans, and legumes. Foods rich in vitamin C help to preserve a youthful skin appearance.

Weekly Exfoliate

On a regular basis, our skin sheds dead cells, forming a new layer every 28 days. But over time, the process can slow, leading to a dull-looking complexion and rough patches. For brighter skin, exfoliate regularly to help minimize the buildup.

Skip smoking

Smoking is probably not surprisingly bad for your health, since it raises your risk of cancer and other serious health conditions, but not everyone knows what a huge effect it can have on your appearance. Even if you smoke only rarely, with every puff you make yourself look older and sicker. Smoking options have a profound impact on the skin as smoke and nicotine starve the precious oxygen and nutrition cells.



Medicover Hospitals

Medicover is a leading international healthcare and diagnostic services company have partnered with MaxCure Hospitals.