
Medicover Hospitals
2 min readFeb 17, 2021



When the oil present in your skin’s oil glands is overactive and pores become inflamed, pimples, also called acne, occur. Pimples can appear on the skin anywhere, but mostly they occur on the face. Since androgen hormones are typically caused by pimples and, in some cases, genetics, there is no surefire way to avoid them. There are still many strategies to decrease their intensity and keep them in place.

Causes of Pimples:

  • Pimples occur when your skin’s pores are covered by oil, dead skin, or bacteria.
  • The opening to a follicle pore of your skin. The follicle includes a sebaceous (oil) gland and hair.
  • Sebum (blood), which helps in moving up the hair, out of the skin pores, and onto your skin, gets released by the oil gland. The sebum keeps the skin very soft and lubricated.
  • One or more problems can lead to acne or pimple in this lubrication process. It can take place when your follicles contain too much oil.
  • Dead skin cells
  • Bacteria accumulate in your pores
  • Such conditions lead to the growth of pimples. When bacteria grow in a clogged pore, a pimple develops and the oil cannot escape.


  • You will spot acne on your body almost anywhere. It grows on your face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders most commonly.
  • You’ll usually get pimples that are white or black. Comedones are classified both as blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Blackheads open up on the surface of the skin because of the oxygen in the air, giving them a black look. Whiteheads are closed, giving them a white look, just under the surface of your skin.
  • Although the most prevalent lesions seen in acne are whiteheads and blackheads, other forms may also occur. It is more likely that inflammatory lesions may cause scarring on your skin. They include:
  • Papules are small, red, raised bumps caused by hair follicles that are inflamed or infected.
  • Small red pimples that have pus at their edges are pustules.
  • Strong, but sometimes painful lumps under the surface of your skin are called nodules
  • Cysts are large, pus-containing lumps located under your skin that are typically painful.

For more info related to pimples causes,treatment,home remedies kindly check:Pimples



Medicover Hospitals

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